3rd & Court Diner

A New Take on an Old Classic
Take me to the food

From the Owners of Sunrise Memphis

Roger Sapp, Craig Blondis & Chef Ryan Trimm have partnered together initially to bring you Sunrise Memphis.  Now on their third project together, they bring you their play on one of their favorites - the diner.

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Classic Diner APPEAL

From milkshakes and burgers to all the normal breakfast staples you’ve come to know and love, 3rd & Court is a very contemporary Downtown Memphis diner.


New take

Chef Ryan Trimm has pushed the boundaries by taking modern plays on old classics.

Come on In!

Sunday - Saturday

7 AM - 2 PM



24 N B B King Blvd.
Memphis, TN 38103

Payment options

We accept payments in cash, credit and debit cards.

